Originate ads 250 000 SEK during Startup weekend

GGM11 Game On.

Startup Sweden and Originate throw a ‘Startup Weekend’ event this weekend (Dec. 2-4).  They  just added a grand prize of a 250000 SEK investment in the form of development time!

They would really love to have more women entrepreneurs at the event, as they’re rather underrepresented right now. Girls and women, geeks of the industry, hope to see you there! People who don’t have a team yet are welcome too!

More info can be found at http://weekend.startupsweden.com/ or they can email me at garrett.dunham@originate.com.

If i was in Sweden

If i was in Sweden today, this is where i would go. Hyperisland, a school exhibition less ordinairy, with talent like few. An education i once concidered an option, instead i became a speaker and tech mentor here, and today work with one of my students. I I was there, i wouldn’t miss it for the world, and neither should you.

Exploring technology and animation exhibition today the 27th of October in Stockholm, Clustret.

Nominate a Swedish Entrepreneur

Nya Affärer, the Magazine i write/blog for (translates to New Business in English) is promting entrepreneurship, by embracing inspiring entrepreneurs that have built their companies in an innvating way. Nya Affärer also want to premier venture capitalists an politicians that have contributed to making life easier for entrepreneurs.

Nominate your favourite entrepreneur at nyaaffarer.se/nominera by October 7th

The prize is awards in four categories:

1. The entrepreneur of the year – prize, who has built a company in an innovatiove way.

2. The New Business prize, to a young entrepreneur under 30 that has built a successful company in an innovative way. The important thing is not that your business is making a lot of money but proven that your idea works.

3. The politician or governmental prize, to the employee that has done something out of the ordinary to embrace entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs.

4. The Venture Capitalist – prize, to the venture capitalist that has done similar work for entrepreneurs.

Think global, act local

Media Evolution made a video at SSWC about the participants thought on “How big is your market” markets and the language used approaching the question as an intro to the conference on innovation and growth in new media channels, held the 24-25 of August in Malmö.

A nice video featuring in order of appearance: Björn Jeffery (CEO, Toca Boca), Emily May Green (Developer, Skriva På), Jonas Hombert (Former CEO Jaycut / now RIM), Martina Elm (Community Manager, Trip Birds) and Jonas Lejon (Serial Entrepreneur).

The riots in my London

The riots in London have been going on for about three days now, spreading to other cities in the UK. Wether its opportunistic gangmembers or random bored kids in need to bee seen, feel authority or just happy get another kettle from Argos, or even stealing a plasma television into their (!) Audi it is indeed a bit wierd being in London at the moment, when everything shuts down, you cant buy food and you fall asleep to more police-sirens than usual. However this quote seems adequate (via Catherine).

“When you cut facilities, slash jobs, abuse power, discriminate, drive people into deeper poverty and shoot people dead whilst refusing to provide answers or justice, the people will rise up and express their anger and frustration if you refuse to hear their cries. A riot is the language of the unheard.” – Martin Luther King

GeekGirlMeetup 5: GameOn!

The fith GeekGirlMeetup conferance with the theme GameOn was wonderful, and as the theme suggests playfull. An ode to the teams pulling this of, we wouldnt have done this without you!

The program team:
Miriam Ohlsson @miriamolsson
Maria Sjöber @nefalia

The streaming team:
Lead Streamer, Emma Koszinowski
Natalia Medina (thanks for graphics)
Ingela Hjulfors Berg
Anna VGA
Lisa Carlbom
Agnes Attling
Ingrid Karin Holmberg
Jenna Jonsson
Maria Ekman
Ida Pettersson
Karolina Brantås

The Organizational team
Chief organizer, Maria Söderberg @mariasoderberg
Lead Designer, Natasha Ehlen @natasha_sthlm
Koordniator and PR, Josefin Nässil @josefinnassil
Afterparty eventorganizer, Jeanin Day @jeaninday
Co-founder and Sponsorships, Heidi Harman (thats me) @heidiharman

I was sick during the whole thing, with 39° but it was ok. I summed up our history during theese two and half years in a talk, trying as well as possible to mirror our development, aim, results, wishes and dreams. We also had  Malmö´s founder Anna Oscarsson up on stage. The Danish founder Henriette Weber, and Mexicos Oyuki Matsumoto joined in by Skype.

Twingly liveboard day one!

Twingly live board a week after:

Quarter 2 – The beat goes on

Henrik Berggren, giving a talk at SSES.

StartupDay 2011, hosted by SSES was eminent, more writes about that at NyaAffärer where i write more frequently (in Swedish).

Media – the beat goes on.

Keep an eye on:
This is stuff that i would look into if im intrested in preparing to work in a startup or start one myself.

Ungas innovationskraft – aktuell utlysning
Tillväxtverket och VINNOVA söker organisationer/företag/ideella föreningar som önskar ta fram eller vidareutveckla befintliga modeller, metoder eller koncept för att tillvarata och utveckla ungas innovationskraft.
Medel kan sökas för att genomföra aktiviteter som riktar sig till personer (18-30 år) för att stimulera, utveckla och kommersialisera ungas idéer. Sista ansökningsdag är 2011-05-06 kl 14.
Läs mer om utlysningen på VINNOVAs webbplats

CAP – Scrum projektledarutbildning
Antagligen en av Sveriges roligare 1 års utbildningar som förbereder oslipade diamanter och projektledar-rävar till scrum-ledare. Ett samtida krav som behövs för att jobba i en start-up eller på webbyrå. Sista ansökningsdag 15 maj. Agileleadership.se eller läs mer på CS.

Swedish Hackers – the book

My friend Linus Larsson (and Daniel Goldberg), a reporter at Computer Sweden has been working ages on this book “Svenska Hackare“, Swedish Hackers – and tales from the shadowland, it was released just recently. The book features the dark stories of the web from Swedens most (in)famous hackers. Multifaceted the book features stories from the 16 year old who hacked into Pentagon etc, gets past the annonymacy barrier and discloses many women being hackers, yet never disclosing their gender.

Things take time yes, and the one that waits for something good doesn’t wait too long at all.

Would you like to read it in english, leave your mailadress here and I’ll collect a list for Linus, and share it with him. Hopefully this will speed the translation process up a bit with the publisher.