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Hack for Sweden is on the 3 – 6th of April hosting an online hacktahon themed “Hack the crisis”.
Hack for Sweden is on the 3 – 6th of April hosting an online hackathon themed “Hack the crisis“. Focusing on three main areas of the Covid-19, or corona crisis the hackathon explores civic solutions within three main challenges:
Hack the Crisisis online hackathon is organised by DIGG, Hack for Sweden, Openhack and The Swedish Government. As a previous judge at the hackathon I encourage all creatives, problem-solvers and latteral thinkers to participate.
From the homepage:
We are looking for and will award ideas, prototypes, and solutions in each of these three challenges that can make peoples’ lives easier during the time of a pandemic.
This hackathon is a context for all parts of society to contribute – public sector, private sector, academia, non-profit organizations and citizens, who want to join in the fight.
To participate, you can register either as an individual or as a team, and submit your solution in one of the challenges. Gather your friends, colleagues, and family to register and contribute with your ideas.
The hackathon will be carried out 100% digitally. It will start on April 3rd at 15:00. A more detailed schedule will be released continuously – thank you for your patience.
Data & API’s:
Supplied datasets and / or other resources:
More information about resources, tools, and data to make your solutions come alive will be given closer to the hackathon. In the meanwhile, explore