Shit #SSWX says

Erik Pettersson reacted to when I said we should make a “Shit Silicon Valley Says” videos, and i agree, we´ve been a bit to serious lately.

Let’s collect all the one-liners of 140 characters, tragi-comical, funny, rhiming and whitty all about the Swedish startup and social media scene the way we know best and post them either in:

A. The comment’s
B. Om twitter with the hashtag #ssswcs (Shit SSWC says) or #SBS (Shit Bubblan Says)

Erik and I will take care of the editing and the filming with help of people who have been asked but not yet confirmed, altho Im shure we can do it with a phone. Everyone will be credited who’s material we have used.

So why SSWC and Bubblan? As SSWC and Bubblan probably is the epicentra that links the social and the startups into the mesh that makes it a tangiable network, where everybody knows everybody. This isa good place to start. If someone fancies making new alternatives up, have your go, your even allowed to joke abut GeekGirlMeetup and social media expert if you like. Knock yourself out.

Restriction: There will be filtering for racist and illegal comments towards minorities, etc.